We are
Te Ahiwaru.

Ko Mataoho te tupua
Ko Hape te tohunga
Ko Kaiwhare te taniwha
Ko Tainui te waka
Ko Te Maanukanuka oo Hoturoa te moana
Ko Manukau te whanga
Ko Te Wai oo Ruarangi te awa
Ko Te Puketaapapatanga aa Hape te maunga
Ko Puketaapapa-Ihumaatao te papakaainga
Ko Makaurau te marae
Ko Te Ahiwaru te hapuu
Supporting a vibrant, thriving whaanau
Te Ahiwaru Trust is provides assistance, support, developmental co-ordination and general benefit for all registered members of Te Ahiwaru who whakapapa to one of our 37 tuupuna. Te Ahiwaru Trust has a growing database of registered members. It is our vision to sustain and enhance the mauri of Waiohua Te Ahiwaru people, this is enacted through the mission statement of “Whakatupu, Whakamana, Kia Puawai, Kia Ora”

Register with Te Ahiwaru today .
Are you a descendant of one of the 37 tuupuna represented by Te Ahiwaru Trust?
Register to stay up to date, access support and stay connected with your hapuu.