Te Taa a Maki
Housing Strategy
For generations Ihumaatao has been acknowledged as the oldest continuously occupied papakaainga in Taamaki Makaurau. In 1863 our whaanau saw the unjust land confiscations of our homelands. Since, Ihumaatao has had to endure ongoing injustices against our whaanau, whenua and natural environments. Without a doubt, the homelessness created by the invasion in 1863 is at the heart of the issues that have come to public attention in recent times, and much of the impoverishment and homelessness experienced by our whaanau today.
Many Te Ahiwaru uri are living in inadequate housing, overcrowded and impoverished conditions. Some homes have inadequate or insufficient insulation and ventilation causing cold and damp homes. In turn, affecting the wellbeing, health and quality of life for many of our whaanau.
Through engagement waananga and the rich koorero shared by whaanau, the Te Ahiwaru housing team drew from our puuraakau and koorero tuku ihu to create Te Taa a Maki strategic framework, working towards whaanau having access to mana enhancing kaainga that are sustainable for future generations.
Mauri: To protect and enhance the essence and character of the papakaainga.
Hoononga: To strengthen cultural connections between Ihumaatao Papakaainga and the wider Cultural Landscape.
Oranga: To increase adequate housing stock in the rohe that is secure, healthy, and safe.
Manaakitanga: Improve housing development opportunities and quality of housing in the papakaainga.
Tiaki Taiao: To improve and enhance our taiao through sustainable and regenerative initiatives in the papakaainga.