There are lots of ways we can support you and your whaanau, register and stay connected with our hapuu.

Sign up today!

If you are a descendant of one of more of the 37 tuupuna represented by Te Ahiwaru Trust you can register your details by following the five steps below:

Step 1: You can apply to become registered with the Trust by completing and submitting a registration form, at anytime.

Step 2: Initial checks are done and packs are prepared for the Whakapapa Committee by the 18th of the month. Any completed registrations received after the 18th will be processed the following month.

Step 3: Registration packs are given to the Whakapapa Committee, by the 20th of the month (*except in December).

Step 4: The Whakapapa Committee discusses each registration and makes recommendations to the Trust by the last Wednesday of the month (*except in December).

Step 5: The Hapuu Registry team is instructed to notify whaanau/applicants accordingly, by the 7th of the following month (*except in January).

*Note: Whakapapa Committee do not hui in December. This means that any completed registrations received after the 18th of November will be processed in January and applicants/whaanau will be notified in February.

The personal information you supply in this registration form is used for the legal use of Te Ahiwaru Trust and will not be shared without your permission. Your details are collated to keep you informed & updated with events , opportunities & hui happening in and around the hapuu.


By being a registered beneficiary of Te Ahiwaru, you can:

  • Connect or re/connect with whaanau;

  • Receive our updates and hear about events and opportunities relevant to Te Ahiwaru Trust beneficiaries;

  • Participate in private forums to shape the direction and future of our whaanau, our hapuu, our taiao and our Ihumaatao-tanga; and

  • Receive assistance and support as per the Trust Deed.

Why register?

Our registration forms are available online (see links below). We also have hard copies which can be picked up from our tari or we can post/email them to you.

  • Ngaa Kaakano

    Ngaa Kaakano

    registration forms for whaanau under 18 years

  • Ngaa Puaawai

    Ngaa Puaawai

    regstrations forms for whaanau 18 years and over