Te Ahi Taiao

Te Ahi Taiao is our Environmental Team, dedicated to protecting and restoring the natural environment for future generations of Te Ahiwaru uri.

We are more than a natural resource management department, we have a deep connection to the whenua and a strong understanding of traditional ecological knowledge. We work collaboratively with local and central government, NGOs, like-minded organisations and the wider community to achieve a balance between Te Ahiwaru tikanga, environmental sustainability and social enterprise. 

Our key areas of focus include: 

  • Kaitiakitanga: Upholding our responsibility as Kaitiaki of our land, water and taonga tuku iho (including the wider rohe of interest to Te Ahiwaru).

  • Rerenga rauropi: Conserving and enhancing our Indigenous biodiversity through our matauranga and Western science. 

  • Whakahaere rauemi: Promoting generational practices that ensure the long-term use of our natural resources.

  • Mana motuhake: Protecting and restoring areas within our cultural landscape, ensuring the survival of our heritage for future generations.

  • Whakamana te taiao: Raising awareness about environmental issues and advocating for policies that safeguard our taiao.

Our team consists of a resource management officer, subject matter experts and field team.

'He Pae Rangatira o te Taiao, te Taumata' HPR is what our team aspire to. Building capacity and capabilities through Tuakana ki Teina development programs, we aspire to host our own social enterprise within the pest management space. Te Ahi Taiao also work with Makaurau Marae Native Plant Nursery for the procurement of native plant supply.

We are committed to working collaboratively to build a future where our Te Ahiwarutanga thrives alongside a healthy and vibrant taiao.

All resource consent engagement enquiries can be directed through this department. (*fees may apply)